Author Services

Melissa Jagears is an award-winning author and freelance editor. She provides two different levels of first five page with synopsis evaluations to give you an unbiased evaluation to help you know where you are at in your writing journey–whether you are seeking industry professional interest or deciding if your book is good enough to self-publish with success.

If you order a level 2 evaluation, afterwards, if the author is interested in continuing to work with Melissa on the manuscript, she can be consulted on whether or not she feels she is the right person to help with the project. Her goal is to make books the absolute best they can be and will only take on authors ready to really dig in with that same goal in mind.

For five page evaluations, there are two levels. The first five pages and a 1-2 page synopsis are needed for evaluation.

First level: $35

The sample will be given a score on a 4 point scale and a list of books/resources/terminology will be included to help guide the author to self-address the needs of the manuscript. This level is suggested if you don’t want a critique but are seeking an unbiased indicator of how likely you’ll fair in contests or slush piles before you start entering/querying or are seeking clarification on whether your book is ready for public consumption if self-publishing is the goal.

1 – Writing does not contain the basic writing skills looked for by industry professionals, the plot has fatal flaws, and/or the writing/plot doesn’t follow conventions of the genre. Self-publishing this book will likely not generate any sales and could result in bad reviews that could cripple your career and/or future traditional publishing deals.

2- Writing idea has merit but the writing skills or synopsis will most likely make an industry professional pass. Self-publishing this book will not likely generate in many sales or reviews. This book will likely not entice readers to continue to the next book.

3 – The writing is capable and the idea is sound, but writing mechanics or plot problems may need reworking/polish for industry professionals to choose to pursue the book. Self-publishing this book may garner a few sales and reviews (if you have a quality cover), but you’ll likely need to sell pretty cheaply to get any continued readers. You likely won’t earn any superfans with the book.

4 – Writing is impressive, synopsis is sound and intriguing. You have a good chance of earning professional industry interest if the subject matter and timing are right. Self-publishing this book with a quality cover and a good marketing plan with more books in the works will give you a good foundation for collecting fans and sales.

*If the manuscript is at level 4, instead of a list of resources to help you improve, I’ll likely do a minor critique to help polish up the first 5 pages/synopsis.

Second level: $99

Same as above, but an in-depth critique will be done as well. If the manuscript falls into the Level 1 category, I may not point out everything that needs to be fixed so it’s not overwhelming, but will focus on the major things that need to be improved before more improvements can be done. If the manuscript is at a Level 4 ranking, I’ll ask for the next 10 pages and will critique farther than the first 5 pages (whether I critique 10 pages or all 15 will depend on the quality after the initial 5 pages).

Melissa can be contacted at: author(at)

Make the email subject line: “Level (1 or 2) Editing Request – YOUR NAME – YOUR PROJECT” with your name and project title inserted in the correct locations. Attach your first five pages and 1-2 page synopsis.

Once received, Melissa will send you an invoice for the evaluation. This must be prepaid.

Fees for large projects are decided on a case-by-case basis.

If you’re looking for rock bottom editing prices, Melissa is not who you are looking for. Melissa chooses not to edit material with on page sex scenes or profanity–if your project includes such, she will not be the right editor for you. After you’ve had a level 2 edit, you may inquire about continuing to work on the book together and then she will discuss what sort of work she thinks the manuscript needs and costs at that point.


After editing projects, her clients have gone on to win awards, sign with agents, and been offered publishing contracts. Here are some of her happy clients:

After two years with a book agent and no publishing contract as a new, unknown author, I was introduced to Melissa Jagears in our hometown of Wichita, KS. Our initial conversations were painful as she described what would be needed to craft my novice manuscript into a top-quality book, based on her years of successful writing experience. She masterfully reorganized my original draft to create a framework for the rewriting which started off fuzzy and insecure for me, but eventually became a stronger, better version of my story.

From first to last, Melissa required my best writing efforts and drew out powerful descriptions and dialogue to keep the reader engaged and learning life lessons through each chapter which was my main goal. Her professional skills in design and layout made for a beautiful and winsome product, from the cover to each inside page.

I believe I would have finished this book project, but deeply doubt it would have been as wonderful and well-done without Melissa’s amazing editorial oversight and direction. Many readers report how professional and well-written my book is and though I worked hard, I think I worked smarter with Melissa’s guidance and high writing standards.

I highly recommend Melissa and Utmost Publishing to any dedicated author who wants a polished, boast-worthy product he/she can be proud to offer on the competitive book marketplace. ~ Gail Goolsby, award-winning author of Unveiled Truth (edited by Melissa Jagears)


I had the privileged of having Melissa Jagears edit a portion of my first novel, and like a surgeon skillfully wielding her scalpel, she dissected my writing with precision and care. With her strong story sense and brilliant eye for detail, Melissa provided me valuable feedback on the ways I could not only improve the plot, but the mechanics as well. I’ve never had a more thorough critique, nor a more competent editor! I highly recommend Melissa’s services. ~Melanie N. Brasher, Writer. (ACFW’s First Impressions 2016 winner, submission edited by Melissa Jagears)


Melissa has been helping me edit and brainstorm for years, and she is fantastic. When I had nothing but a hazy idea for a story, she helped me pinpoint a definite direction.

Beyond being a talented writer, Melissa is an editor with a sharp eye. Not only does she pick up grammatical errors, awkward wording, and typos, she helped me improve my story and characters by evaluating the manuscript as a whole. No loose ends were left after she was through, AND she’s always quick to get back to me! If you are interested in honest and helpful editing, I highly recommend Melissa. ~ Heidi Chiavaroli, Carol award-winning author of Freedom’s Ring (ACFW Carol Award 2022 Finalist for Where Grace Appears, edited by Melissa Jagears)


I am happy to recommend Melissa Jagears as a proof reader/copyeditor.  She worked on my most recent novel, THE HEIRESS, and did a splendid job.  She caught several significant errors in time that I was amazed I had botched so badly.  She was also very attentive to the period of the novel – the Regency – and made some helpful suggestions.  She would be a valuable asset to anyone who wants to produce an errorless book. ~ Joan Wolf, USA Today Bestselling Author of more than 40 novels


Melissa Jagears has worked for agency clients as a proofreader and copyeditor as well as developmental editor.  She has excellent editorial skills and I am glad to recommend her to any writer who needs an editor.  She is meticulous and insightful in her work. ~ Natasha Kern, Literary Agent